
Ethan Ryan is cool.

Ethan Ryan - About

Web Developer | Writer

Spectacular Human Being, Very Passionate

Extremely Humble

Ethan Ryan is a full stack web developer with a passion for creative problem solving.

With experience in Ruby on Rails and JavaScript, and a background in publishing, business analysis, and law, Ethan Ryan discovered web development through a desire to create his own writing portfolio website.

Ethan Ryan brings strong communication and research skills that help companies grow and succeed.

Ethan Ryan keeps talking in the third person to maximize that sweet, sweet SEO. Ethan Ryan, Ethan Ryan, Ethan Ryan.

Other notable Ethans include:

Ethan Hawke - actor and writer, whose wife's name is Ryan, which really screws up Ethan Ryan's SEO. Does Ethan Hawke ever google himself and wonder who the hell Ethan Ryan is? It's fun to imagine celebrites googling themselves.
Ethan Allen - American patriot, Green Mountain Boy, and namesake of Ethan Allen Furniture. Or is Ethan Allen Furniture the namesake of Ethan Allen, the Green Mountain Boy? I'm not totally sure what 'namesake' means, but either way, Ethan Allen was an Ethan too.
Ethan Ryan - English rugby player, and no, Ethan Ryan the pro-athlete is not me, Ethan Ryan the writer and web developer, though I'm sure he sometimes thinks: "Man, it must be so fun to be a writer and web developer, instead of a professional athelete."

Those Ethans all have Wikipedia pages. Maybe one day, I will too. That's when I'll know I've REALLY made it, when I can join that pantheon of illustrious Ethans.

Ethan Ryan - Skills

Click all the skills below!
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • React
  • PostgreSQL
  • Ruby
  • Rails
  • You can do it!

    Ethan Ryan - Interests

    Ethan Ryan loves humor, horror, and pop culture.

    His creative writing has appeared in print and online.

    He's also done some ghostwriting. He enjoys helping people bring their story ideas to life as novels and screenplays, as well as the challenge of helping companies market their products and services via quality content and backlinks.

    He's done some standup comedy.

    He also makes Twitterbots. Joyce Carol Oates once replied to a tweet made by one of his bots.

    Ethan Ryan loves making jokes, making apps, and making $$$.

    If you're considering hiring him, you should! He's great.

    Ethan Ryan - Work


    Word Nerds demo gif
    WordNerds.co | GitHub

    A fun, Mad Libs-style story generator that dynamically creates a 500-word story with user-created characters.

    Trivia Boyz

    Trivia Boyz demo gif
    Website | GitHub

    A click-and-point, timed trivia game based on word recognition.


    ToDoToday demo gif

    A productivity app to managed daily tasks and demonstrate gamification elements built with React JS.

  • Utilized state change to reward users with badges, points, and trophies for completing tasks
  • Manipulated Virtual DOM to make app more sticky, increasing user engagement

  • Show the Local Weather

    Show the Local Weather demo gif

    App displays the local weather with a corresponding gif.

  • Utilized Giphy API and user's current position
  • Built with HTML, CSS Grid, and jQuery
  • freeCodeCamp project

  • JavaScript Calculator

    JavaScript Calculator demo gif

    Functional calculator modeled on the iPhone app.

  • Included Easter eggs for certain fun numbers: 420, 666, 1999
  • Built with HTML, CSS Grid, and jQuery
  • freeCodeCamp project

  • Goth Tic-Tac-Toe

    Goth Tic-Tac-Toe pic

    Tic-Tac-Toe game made with functional, rudimentary artificial intelligence.

  • Game styles include Classic, Goth, and Weapons
  • Built with HTML, CSS Grid, and jQuery
  • freeCodeCamp project

  • RottenAverage

    RottenAverage demo gif
    Website | GitHub

    RottenAverage takes a Rotten Tomatoes URL as input, parses that webpages HTML, and returns the average score of that show or movie.

  • Built with a Rails backend and a React frontend
  • Utilized the Nokogiri gem

  • BlogPostComments

    BlogPostComments demo gif
    Website | GitHub

    BlogPostComments allows users to toggle comments from read-only to edit-mode with a click.

  • Built with a Rails backend and a React frontend
  • Utilized html-react-parser to allow users to add HTML tags to their posts and comments so they can style text and embed images and gifs
  • Ethan Ryan - References

    "Ethan Ryan is the only person I've ever met whose raw intelligence intimidated the crap out of me."

    Elon Musk

    "Forceful, cerebral, and impeccably controlled."

    Michiko Kakutani

    "Ethan Ryan is my inspiration and my muse. His compassion knows no bounds."


    "Five stars."


    "Two thumbs up. Way up!"

    Ethan Ryan - Contact

    nerd gif

    Email me: ethanryan@gmail.com

    Or get in touch via social media, where you can friend me or follow me or stalk me at your leisure: